
Artificial Intelligence for Governance

The effective management of global challenges through new AI technologies hinges on the development of comprehensive big data derived from reliable sources. At Prarang, we focus on aggregating country-level data from around the world. By utilizing over 25 diverse sources covering public domain socio-economic indicators, internet usage, and cultural and natural metrics, we have established a robust Prarang database encompassing 195 countries, each assessed across more than 265 parameters.

Prarang does not conduct surveys to gather data; instead, we rely primarily on publicly available sources such as UN Population data, the CIA World Factbook, and private surveys whose results are accessible through news media and public websites. Our data classification follows a three-fold method rooted in Indian logic (Tarkashastra):

All our data sources and estimation modeling methods are transparently detailed and accessible. For each data field, this information can be viewed by clicking the "i icon."

On each Prarang Analytics page for the 195 countries worldwide, we provide an AI-driven "Country Highlights" feature. This analysis is based on traditional AI (not Generative AI) and ranks each country's performance against the other 194 countries across various parameters. Additionally, each parameter is assessed relative to the World Average, identifying whether the country ranks above or below this benchmark. Based on these comparative rankings, the key strengths and weaknesses of each country are highlighted, showcasing its unique selling points (USPs). This approach effectively creates an unbiased and automated "Standard Country Performance Report Card" for every nation in the world.

Please note that each sentence in the "Country Highlights" box on the Prarang Country Analytics page is AI-generated. The first statement follows a logical structure, akin to a "Tarka" statement in Indian logic, while the second statement serves as an inference, similar to a "Tatpurya" statement in Indian logic. This structured approach ensures clarity and precision in presenting each country's performance analysis.