Belize Analytics

Belize is a mid-size country with 0.01% of the world's population. Belize is a monarchy country. It has 1 world heritage site.


  • Official Language:
  • 1. Spanish : 189,000
  • 2. English : 16,000

Mother Tongue : Spanish

Literacy Rate (%) : 83


Country Capital : Belmopan
GDP Per capita : 10,563
GDP Per Capita Rank : 117th/195
Life Expectancy : 70
Unemployment Rate : 3
Number of Internet Users : 248,000
Internet Users Rank : 168th/195
Area : 22,809
Area Rank : 147th/195
Total Population : 400
Total Population Rank : 171st/195

Continent: Central America and the Caribbean

Cities with > 100K popln: 0

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Belize Highlights

Belize is the 171st ranked country in population and 147th ranked in area out of 195 countries in the world.Please keep the country rank in perspective, for the highlights below.

Worse than World Average-

  • 1. Belize is the 21st worst ranked in Teachers in primary edu. out of 195 countries in the world. This may indicate that the investment by the country in primary education is lesser when compared to other countries.
  • 2. The average Total Population (2021) of the countries in the world is 40,345. Belize is the 25th worst-ranked country out of 195 countries. Taking into context the total population of the world, this country is less populated in comparison to other countries.
  • 3. Out of the 195 countries in the world, Belize is the 25th worst ranked in Total Labour Force (2021) . This may take into context a lower country population, or may simply imply that there is a low working age population in this country.

Belize Metrics