Better than India Average-
- 1.
- Perambalur is the 17th highest ranked in Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education (18-23 Years) (No, AISHE 2021) out of 768 city/districts of India. This indicates that this district is more urbanized and/or has a better-developed educational infrastructure compared to other districts.
- 2.
- The average Tamil Script of Indian city (district capitals)/districts is 23,886. Perambalur is the 39th highest ranked city out of 768 city/districts. This indicates a high pool of literate tamil population compared to other cities.
- 3.
- Out of 768 District Capitals/Districts of India, Perambalur is the 101st highest ranked in No. of Banks/1000 Household (in 1000, RBI SCB 2024) . This indicates that banking infrastructure is stronger in this district compared to other districts.
- 4.
- Out of 768 District Capitals/Districts of India Perambalur is the 403rd best ranked in Number of Murders (NO, IPC 2020) . This indicates a safer district as compared to other districts.
- 5.
- Perambalur is the 318th best ranked in Number of Cyber Crimes (NO, IPC 2020) out of 768 City/Districts of India. This indicates a safer district as compared to other districts.
Worse than India Average-
- 1.
- Perambalur is the 14th worst ranked in Crime/1000 Pop (Ratio, IPC 2020) out of 768 city/districts of India. This implies lesser effectiveness of law and order in this district compared to other districts.
- 2.
- The Average Murder/Lakh Pop (Ratio, IPC 2020) of Indian City (District Capitals)/Districts is Perambalur is the 71st worst ranked City out of 768 City/Districts.This implies lesser effectiveness of law and order in this district compared to other districts.
- 3.
- Out of 768 District Capitals/Districts of India, Perambalur is the 230th worst ranked in Number of IPC Crimes (NO, IPC 2020) .This implies lesser effectiveness of law and order in this district compared to other districts.
- 4.
- Out of 768 District Capitals/Districts of India, Perambalur is the 582nd worst ranked in City FB Users % of City Literate Population (%, FB 2025) .This indicates lower facebook IDs in FB Advertising module for this town vis a vis other towns.
- 5.
- Perambalur is the 548th highest ranked in Bank Loans/Household (Lakhs, RBI SCB 2024) out of 768 City/Districts of India.This implies that standard of living of people in this district is poor compared to other districts.
- 6.
- The Average # of UG Enrolments - Medical (No, AISHE 2021) of Indian City(District Capitals)/Districts is 416. Perambalur is the 519th highest ranked City out of 768 City/Districts.This indicates that this district is less urbanised and/or has a less developed educational infrastructure compared to other districts