Saudi Arabia Analytics

Saudi Arabia is a mid-size country with 0.5% of the world's population. Saudi Arabia is a monarchy country. It has 7 world heritage sites. It produces 1.1% of Onions. It is rich in resources such as 10.8% of Oil, 3% of Natural gas, and 1.1% of Bauxite.


  • Official Language:
  • 1. Arabic : 32,513,000
  • 2. Bengali : 1,515,000

Mother Tongue : Arabic

Literacy Rate (%) : 97.6


Country Capital : Riyadh
GDP Per capita : 66,835
GDP Per Capita Rank : 15th/195
Life Expectancy : 76
Unemployment Rate : 4
Number of Internet Users : 36,000,000
Internet Users Rank : 27th/195
Area : 2,149,629
Area Rank : 12th/195
Total Population : 35,950
Total Population Rank : 41st/195

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Saudi Arabia Highlights

Saudi Arabia is the 41st ranked country in population and 12th ranked in area out of 195 countries in the world.Please keep the country rank in perspective, for the highlights below.

Better than World Average-

  • 1. Saudi Arabia is the 3rd highest ranked in Oil Prod. out of 195 countries in the world. This is indicative of a rich reserve of natural resources in comparison to other countries, and may be a huge exporter of such resources.
  • 2. The average Military Budget (in Billion $) of 195 countries in the world is 15. Saudi Arabia is the 5th highest ranked country out of 195 countries. This implies that threats to the country is higher compared to other countries.
  • 3. Out of the 195 countries in the world, Saudi Arabia is the 15th highest ranked in GDP Per Capita (USD) . This implies that this country is a developed country.

Worse than World Average-

  • 1. Saudi Arabia is the 87th worst ranked in Rice prod. out of 195 countries in the world. This is indicative of less focus on the production of rice, or scarcity of fertile land, or higher industrialisation as compared to other countries.
  • 2. The average Honey prod. of the countries in the world is 14,821. Saudi Arabia is the 92nd worst-ranked country out of 195 countries. This may indicate inferior natural biodiversity as compared to other countries.
  • 3. Out of the 195 countries in the world, Saudi Arabia is the 93rd worst ranked in Total No. of Doctors . This may indicate worse healthcare infrastructure investment by the country or may indicate lower population

Saudi Arabia Metrics