World Culture Data

Sr No Continents World Heritage Sites # Olympic Medals Cricket Playing Nations (ICC Members) Islamic Population Jewish Population Christian Population Hindu Population Buddhist Population Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Total Medals
Metric Type Count Count Count # People # People # People # People # People Count Count Count Count
1 Africa 149   440   2   561,448,912   56,729   649,300,000   612,000   0   12   9   12   33  
2 Asia 346   2,793   5   1,024,301,913   7,484,777   221,367,000   1,189,552,000   216,332,000   94   83   85   262  
3 Central America and the Caribbean 71   456   0   196,836   68,266   189,979,000   279,000   0   7   9   15   31  
4 Europe 519   8,253   2   29,797,161   579,358   403,317,000   871,000   0   118   122   152   392  
5 North America 47   3,510   0   5,225,715   6,698,000   259,129,000   1,666,000   0   49   51   53   153  
6 South America 86   316   0   2,272,353   133,086   391,820,000   399,000   0   6   13   15   34  
7 South East Asia and Oceania 76   823   2   276,849,381   105,230   178,963,000   7,482,000   156,551,000   31   29   24   84  
Total 1,294   16,591   11   1,900,092,271   15,125,446   2,293,875,000   1,200,861,000   372,883,000   317   316   356   989  

Click on Continents to see country wise data.