World Demography Data

Sr No Continents Total Population (2025) Male Population (2025) Female Population (2025) Births Total Deaths
Metric Type # People (In Thousands) # People (In Thousands) # People (In Thousands) # People (In Thousands) # People (In Thousands)
1 Africa 1,548,042   773,289   774,749   46,590   11,513  
2 Asia 4,246,684   2,159,287   2,087,399   56,383   30,829  
3 Central America and the Caribbean 225,163   110,094   115,072   3,617   1,410  
4 Europe 599,751   292,474   307,279   4,992   6,566  
5 North America 387,403   194,421   192,981   4,015   3,369  
6 South America 437,789   216,228   221,559   5,652   2,945  
7 South East Asia and Oceania 745,777   372,095   373,680   10,873   5,412  
Total 8,190,609   4,117,888   4,072,719   132,122   62,044  

Click on Continents to see country wise data.