World Internet Data

Sr No Continents Internet Users Facebook users LinkedIn users Twitter users
Metric Type # People # People # People # People
1 Africa 586,854,895   83,202,550   83,164,000   27,181,000  
2 Asia 2,900,735,873   363,911,750   255,570,000   167,134,950  
3 Central America and the Caribbean 165,166,526   98,222,300   38,731,000   22,696,900  
4 Europe 539,935,777   217,123,850   234,092,400   117,839,500  
5 North America 371,759,183   165,850,000   277,000,000   115,600,000  
6 South America 350,249,996   157,760,150   147,700,000   41,776,850  
7 South East Asia and Oceania 539,782,446   255,557,850   103,870,400   80,036,550  
Total 5,454,484,696   1,341,628,450   1,140,127,800   572,265,750  

Click on Continents to see country wise data.