World Wealth Data

Sr No Continents GDP (Billions USD) 2022 GDP Per Capita (USD) Import of Goods and Services (in Million $) Export of Goods and Services (in Million $) Imports/Total Imports of the World %. Exports /Total Exports of the World %.
Metric Type $ Billions $ Amount Amount
1 Africa 2,953   135,259   767,564   719,287   2   2  
2 Asia 35,253   518,163   7,660,384   8,436,677   26   29  
3 Central America and the Caribbean 1,996   236,237   870,035   776,026   3   2  
4 Europe 21,600   1,919,320   11,165,216   11,622,179   39   40  
5 North America 27,600   132,756   4,694,884   3,726,601   16   12  
6 South America 3,821   112,844   843,430   821,544   2   2  
7 South East Asia and Oceania 5,617   340,575   2,616,867   2,916,498   9   10  
Total 98,844   3,395,157   28,618,384   29,018,814   100   100  

Click on Continents to see country wise data.